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Hey Ya!
If you are aged between 14 and 21 and want to get involved in the multi-media Southwark Young People’s Magazine then contact us on 020 7639 4215. The Project is run by Southwark Youth and Connexions Service.


We're looking for young people to get invloved in a radio project this summer. Details have yet to be - watch this space.

Talent Show

A Local Platform for  Young Urban Acts


On 22nd May 2004, S.E.L.A.H Social Action Network a voluntary organisation in Southwark, will be holding a Community Talent Showcase to promote urban acts.  The event will feature 10 acts that have made it through to this final stage from previous auditions. They will compete for three top prizes of 1st £300 + free studio session, 2nd £100 and 3rd £50.  The purpose of the Community Talent Showcase is to encourage and nurture urban talent that do not feature on shows like Pop Idol.  These acts will come from the local secondary schools, youth clubs and sports centres.


This event will mark the fourth year anniversary for S.E.L.A.H Social Action Network, a community organisation set up by the founder John Keise; to alleviate hardship amongst Black and Minority Ethnic people and people with Sensory, physical and learning disabilities. 


John Kiese, founder said “ Our aim with this talent show is to give a platform to young urban talent in an industry that is just starting to sit up and take notice of what is out there.  Access is the key, and we hope to give access to these acts by inviting A&R from record companies into the community arena.


The Community Talent Showcase will be held at The Damilola Taylor Centre in Peckham.  It will start at 5pm and finish at 9pm; tickets are £5.00 for entry to include hot buffet, acts and DJ.  All proceeds will go towards the work of S.E.L.A.H in alleviating hardship in the community.    Special Guest judges include Kelvin Avon and Greg Graham from Afreex, Chewatribe Productions and Ben Parmar A&R at Polydor.  Tyrone Hinds, Manager of Ms Dynamite will speak about the music industry and Jason 2LW, a local youth worker will be the Master of Ceremony.




Contact:                             Sama Sesay, Event Organiser: 07957 769 216

                                           Lisa Karlkani, S.E.L.A.H spokesperson: 0207 708 5328

The Acronym S.E.LA.H stands for Supporting Equality Of Life Against Hardship.  S.E.L.A.H is momentarily seeking charity status; therefore please refer to S.E.L.A.H as a voluntary organisation. 

April issue hitting the shelves in May. rLatest News NOW ON THE STREETS/rh1}

On The Move
After two years at the Sojourner Truth Centre we have now moved to Bellenden Old School, Bellenden Road. We will now be turning our hands to managing the youth services music project as well as providing you with your favourite news, views and reviews.

Southwark TV Intro

It’s me PdidHe

Seen the trailer for Southwark TV? Then you’ve seen me. I’m Pedro DaCruz aka PdidHe. Don’t get me confused with that other Pdiddy chap, cause he don’t work for the Southwark Young People’s Magazine Project. I’ve been involved with this blinging project and Southwark TV for the last six months. In that time I’ve seen both projects develop significantly.

When I first heard of Southwark TV, I thought great, Pdihe’s going to be able to expose himself on a large scale. All those peeps out there who could see how big I am, but then I was told that it was interactive TV and I thought, well I could still style it out, you know what, you get me through a computer, hey, I thought I can go for that. I’m all for being interactive. … Anyways, it’s been a great experience for me and the rest of the young people involved at the Magazine Project, we’ve had the chance to get involved with all kinds of media – documentary, film, web design, poetry and of course journalism. Sometimes we forget that our main business is producing a quarterly 10 or 15 000 run magazine for young people. I know people only read it for my regular column, although I wouldn’t boast to the other young people involved about that, I’ve sort of interviewed Charles Clark, Ken Livingston and rapper Mace – whose next, I don’t know ….

Battle of The Boroughs

Young People from all over London sang and danced in front of hundreds at Oceans Theatre, Mare Stret, Hackney on Sunday (7th December).

Southwark's young people won three awards - look out for a detailed review soon.

Roadshows hit the Road

We have now run four successful roadshows in Hip-Hop,Guns and Garage roadshows in Southwark. Venues include the Damilola Taylor Centre and Arch Bishop Micheal Ramsey School.

We'll be running these in the summerand Autumn terms, with new themes - first up is body image and healthy eating and next up, Teen pregnancy and sexual health. To remind you - the concept is that we take the media that we make, show it and have a discussion. Look out for a report on the Guns, Garage and Hip-Hop shows soon.